

I have wanted a space to properly share my photos from the last 8 years.

These last 8 years have meant everything to me. Anyone who has been along for the ride with me will know that these years have broken me, shaped me into who I now am as well as helping me find my way back to who I was before.

So I decided it was time to share properly and also, allow these moments to mean something to not only me, but anyone who chooses to order them.

I hope that if you do decide to order from here, the photos you choose act as a reminder that even when we are going through some truly horrific moments in life, there are moments of joy to be found too.

And in the long run?

Those moments are the memories we hold onto, once we are through the tough times and they act as guidance for when we encounter more tough moments. That inevitably life will bring to us.

I was told at 17 a quote that has stood with me these last 8 years,

'You have been assigned these moments to show others they can be moved'.

This stands true. It always did. And it always will.

I hope you are kind to you today, give yourself more grace and are a little kinder to your heart and your mind and your soul today.

We are all just figuring this out as we go along.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

I look forward to hearing about yours,

Jess x

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